Aboutfrom U.S !

Who are we ?

The Grp. POUGET, born from a family business, having started with the cultivation of pineapples, in Guyana, almost 40 years ago, it developed considerably and became the Grp. POUGET Holding.

The Group embarked on tomatoes as well as various agricultural projects, then continued on public works, an equestrian center, a leisure base, discotheques, in order to arrive, today, in the field of construction, l import export, carpentry, administration, recovery and events.

Going through various activities, the Holding has been able to evolve and last over time.

Historically speaking...

Coming from a family from Bergerac (24), in Metropolitan France, rugby is ingrained in all generations of the POUGET family.

Almost 40 years ago, a first member of the family arrived in Guyana, in order to develop the agricultural lands of the territories as well as the economic aspect of the country. Launching into pineapples in 1986, the Grp. POUGET developed by creating its own holding company which was taken over from generation to generation and from father to son, until today.

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