POUGET BUSINESS is an administrative firm of:
Description | Ht price | Prix TTC |
Creation SAS, SASU, SARL, EURL, SELARL, EARL, SCI | 1 380,00 € | 1 380,00 € |
Creation Association 1901 or Declared INSEE | 480,00 € | 480,00 € |
Cancellation of all legal structures | 540,00 € | 540,00 € |
Deposit mark | 420,00 € | 420,00 € |
Statutory modification | 840,00 € | 840,00 € |
Advice to businesses and individuals | 120€/h | 120€/h |
Unpaid recovery (provision costs) | 200,00 € | 200,00 € |
Our collection service:
As part of a recovery for an unpaid invoice, an amicable procedure is used with reminders and formal notices in support.
In the event that the amicable procedure is doomed to failure, a payment order is initiated against the Judge and the competent Court according to the case in progress (professional or private) as well as the sum to be recovered.
If the payment order is still not effective, then a summons is issued before the Judge, to bring him to appear before the latter, of course this involves additional costs in the file.